How the world has changed
How the world has changed
The pandemic started somewhere.
That in itself is not only the give all,
but the get all.
Yellow fever wiped out the Chowning
clan, my family in Livingston, Tennessee.
In researching my maternal great
grandmother’s grandfather, I found that
bit of history, not lore, or oral tradition.
This poem is not just a rendition
of one pandemic from the past,
but is our present.
The poet, Billy Collins’ understanding
of how the world has changed,
for you, for me,
for all the world is simply words:
“So I’m 79 years old. And it sounds insane
to say that, but it’s the truth, and I’m pretty
sure if I caught it, it would kill me.
And Suzannah shares that view.
So she’s pretty willful
about keeping me in the house.”