(Excerpt from William James’ “Energies of Men” speech delivered in 1907 on the nature of structural versus functional psychology)

___ _______ ___ arousing __ ___ ________ _______ ideas may_ ____ __ be ____________ ____ as a wire __ _____ ____ alive with electricity_ ___ at another time __ dead. Here our insight ____ ______ _____ ___ ___ __ ___ ____ ____ _______ __ _______ ______ __ ________ _______ _ _____ ____ shall __ _ ____ _____ depend more on the ______ ____ _____ mind __ __ ________ than on the idea itself.

Beside ___ susceptibilities determined by _____ education ____ __ _____ ________ peculiarities of character_ _____ are lines _____ which men ______ as men tend to be inflammable __ _____. __ Certain objects _________ awaken love, anger, or cupidity, so certain ideas naturally awaken the energies of loyalty, courage, endurance, or devotion. When _____ _____ ___ effective in a_ ____________ life, their effect is often very great ______. They may transfigure it, unlocking innumerable powers which, but for the idea would never have come into play.

‘Fatherland,’ ‘The Union,’ ‘Holy Church,’ the Monroe Doctrine,’ Truth,’ ‘Science,’ ‘Liberty,’ ___________ ______ ‘Rome or Death,’ etc., are __ many examples of energy-releasing abstract ideas.

The ______ nature of ___ ____ phrases is __ essential ______ of their _______ power. They are forces __ ______ __ __________ in which no other force produces equivalent effects, and each is a force __ ______ only in _ specific _____ __ men.