the white trucks went on forever under the clouds
like we were on the highway to heaven
                                                          to meet him
but we were driving home
and the watery guitar                            
and the sweet pepper            
and the baby’s bubbles of laughter
and lane changes
                                     and amazing grace did nothing
but happened anyway
you wore yourself as a mask
hiding under skin and eyes
and we said prayers in bed into the pitch black basement
like when i was a baby
and when we woke up
he was still breathing
and the cold bit at my bare legs when i emerged
but i did it anyway
and i sang my [miracle] song
without saying the word
because i didn’t want you to hear it
and either way
                                   he would be gone soon
and the baby would grow into the shape of a child
                                                          and we would go home
             and i would sing
and God would save whomever He saved
but i did it anyway