i wait on the chicken scampi complete with garlic parmesan rice wondering first where does the word scampi come from second i wonder isn’t it cause it’s garlicky and parmesany in the first place and third why is there no shrimp involved in this meal that clearly should be when we all expect it tho that’s okay cause at this point in the evening the whole family’s just hungry and i have no more time after work to cook well isn’t that the way of the world running on and on and on and on never remembering to breathe or eat or catch up with the neighbors on the porch so no matter as we can eat and move ourselves toward bed to get up and run on and run on and on and on and on on on again and again over and over until we arrive back at chicken scampi one night wondering why we’re here doing the same thing until we realize there’s a point to it all and that’s just the fact we’re hungry for more