I’m in my 50’s and I’ve never grown a garden, never attempted to, never thought I could.  

Food insecurity motivated me to buy my 1st seeds.  I knew ABSOLUTELY nothing about growing plants, vegetables or herbs.  I STILL consider myself a novice, but, I promise, the longer I do this, the more I learn and I’m ABSOLUTELY fascinated and IN LOVE with this journey and the lessons!

1). Plants are a lot like people…they come in all different shapes and sizes!

2). Plants are ALOT like women and children… they THRIVE off attention!
3). Different plants need different nutrients in order to live their best lives!
4) Plants remind me of Black people.  They can grow and THRIVE in the HARSHEST conditions!  I have added old dirt to my compost thinking I killed a plant- remember, I’m a 1st time gardener- and, weeks later, I see seedlings popping up in my compost!
5) Plants remind me that ALL THINGS (dirt, wind, rain, storms and sunshine) work TOGETHER for GOOD (bountiful harvest of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs!) Romans 8:28-