The shovel leans against the garden wall.
This is where the tree canopy shade thins
out & the sanctuary buildings begin.
A short walk from the garden
across hot asphalt & the marbled
aggregate of the concrete walkway
to the main cabin is a nice cool
down & a thought tickles . None 
of my tools are broken.
Today was a good day.
I climb the five worn steps to the long lanai
shade. It sits quiet here on the wood, my hard heels 
wake the dogs & I kick the dust covered boots
over toward what is left of winter’s quartered logs.
Beauty has been getting ready for a trip
to Lexington for business, leaving tonight. 
As the door opens, the cacophony of porch
& fauna tumble noisily into the house.
Her towel draped head turns toward
the sound, brush & dryer in her hands.
A smile says it all & I walk to where she
sits, take the offered gleaming tools from her
hands. The towel unwinds simple one push
of the small button on the hairdryer to the left
 & find the fit for my hand on the brush.
Three steps closer begins this,this more delicate work.
A slight shift by one of us & her shoulder touches my chest.