I keep going.  

Watching her snooze on the half hour drive home
I forget for a moment about my blazing fears
     a babe swaddled in all mandatory tethers
     “Safety First” labels on her car seat
     pink gingham pillow-y head rest surrounding her noggin
     sleep as soft and tender as a daydream
     not one eency weency care in the world
     no worry about my mothering capabilities
This one frame show–a solid amen.  


Carrying this brand new baby inside our humble abode
I remember a paused To Do list
     mounted high, purple majesty laundry
     exponential multiplication of dust bunnies
     the unfinished Precious Moments quilt
     a starving fridge and pantry and wilted plant in the windowsill
     an empty 35mm camera and weak batteries
     other unchecked, gnashing-of-teeth list items
This picture frame of life–like a screaming gremlin.  

What now?