Pling plang plongs,
all gathered in throngs,
jeering the Mayor of Udger

Singing plang songs,
waving their spongs,
“We voted for the Ludger!”

There were hundreds of plongs
and quite a few blongs,
and even a drunk sping in the gudger

The Mayor sent Bibidongs
to scatter the plongs
and sent in an armed Bangbludger

All the plongs and the blongs
sang their fight songs,
that is, ’till they saw the Ludger

“All spings and plongs
and even the blongs
are citizens of our great Udger–
please put down your spongs”,
said the Ludger, so strong,
“and let us all join hands togudger”

And so all the plongs
and the innocent blongs
fell silent to honor the Ludger,
but the Mayor’s Bibidongs
shot into the throng
and do did the burning Bangbludger

Dead plongs, dead blongs,
one sping singing songs
lay still before the Mayor of Udger
who thought all was now well
as he ended his quell
’til he learned of the escape of the Ludger