You have never heard of me
though you know my sister,
Susan B. Anthony, abolitionist,
driver of the movement 
for women’s rights.

She lived her life out loud,
in public.

I preferred a quieter life, though
I agreed with my sister’s causes
It was I and not my sister 
who attended the Seneca Falls
Women’s Rights Convention in 1848.

I was the first woman to be paid
a man’s salary to serve as a school
principal. My wages paid for my mother’s 
care, and the upkeep of our home
in Rochester. Unable to vote, when
taxes were due, I wrote on each check
“Paid under protest. Taxation without
representation is still tyranny.”

My sister and I were arrested together
for voting in the 1876 presidential
election, found guilty in minutes.
We refused to pay the fine.

We now lie side by side
In the Mount Hope Cemetery.
Every election day, people come 
and place their “I voted” stickers
on our gravestones.