A morning musing of a muse

Enjoying the beauty of the stargazer lilies

Remembering the stars in the sky before slumber

How her morning breath

Rolls in a fog like the ghosts rising 

From dew kissed grass

Up to the heavens 

A vapor disintegrated into the clouds

How her mind spins 

A carasouel of thought

The many splendors she can enjoy

Her body being able to hold

All the delectable hedonism

Fruit drippings from her chin

Like those from below

Toes curled into the mossy earth

Fingers laced through tall blades of grass

Eyes mesmerized by all that is beautiful

Whether that is you

Whether that is me

She finds desire and inspiration

In all that stirs her heart

In the magic of the earth

Vibrating through her bones

As if the earth’s heart

Were beating in sync with her own

To be this moved

To carry this much power

In how she carries herself

A pure force to be reckoned wtih 

A power that is not her ego

But a reality of who she is

She walks forward and stands tall

A pure delight of all that wonder