As one storm rolls on,
the next surely brews
to challenge a future dawn.

But the friendships that I choose
soften destructive wind to breeze
while mending gash and bruise.

We’ve created such soothing memories,
cherished moments of serenity-
shelters that stand with unshakable ease.

Soon we will celebrate our perennity
even with those who must move on,
a rainbowed group of love and amenity.

Through heartbreak and heartache, we’ll be there.
Through death and loss, we’ll be there.
Through physical injury, we’ll be there.
Through sickness, we’ll be there.
Through times apart, we’ll be there.
Through oppressive studies, we’ll be there
Through tests passed or failed, we’ll be there
Through workplace woes, we’ll be there
Through whatever other storm life can throw,
we will be there.

Though the rains may try to flood and drown,
though the winters threaten to ice and freeze,
nothing can topple this shelter I have found

because with friends like these,
how can I ever truly get knocked down?
And so I pray we hold together forever, oh please.