blue-sky celebrations. i sit
on periwinkle swing, enveloped
in oversized yellow sweatshirt,
absorb nature’s radio songs–
cheer-cheer-cheer       here-here
that echo from white-tipped crepe
myrtles.              hur-up hur-up
whoa-whoa-whoa          whoa
from red oak. three cats bob
heads from tree to tree to bush.
kentucky speaks from very near–
purty purty purty.         clear chirps,
flirty chirps.      drum-roll-echo
pecking.      also from afar–
caw-caw-caw        wha-wha-wharp
from an evergreen who
has withstood decades of ice
storms, new disease.   witt–witt-split
hoo-ah-hoo-ah           hoo-ah
caw-caw.   but then i spot a tick.
oh-dear oh-dear.     yes, nature also
comes with tiny-dot bloodsuckers,
eight legs of nasty.    for today, 
i smash my demon with mighty
force.    and the trills start up again.
wee-hoo wee-hoo wee-hoo