This year was different. I didn’t wear the same t-shirt
from the first day of school on the last. Instead, I had
participated in senior activities and the associated 
outfits. It was different. I had done my silly tradition
since sometime in middle school, but old habits can
die quickly. Today was different. I wore the same 
t-shirt I wore on the first day of the program I went
to last summer. That competitive one that all the smart
kids in Kentucky try to go to. Maybe it was because
it might boost my confidence or maybe it was simply
because it felt right to me. Last night, I was reading
a novel and one of the main characters died young.
Maybe it’s the poet in me, but today felt important.
I can’t go back, yet I’m still figuring out how to go
forward. Old t-shirts can only take me so far. It’s all
so clique, but today I felt like I was in the middle of
one of those major milestones of life. It was different.