oh the tyranny of completion
of the must finish  never quit
this narrowing of thought  of possibility  of life 
the constriction this creates 

give up 
find a new land  a vastness of possibility  not
found in the obstinant conformity to persevere  for which our culture is repleat

though know  an ego must fall away  it will take time  do you have it  to live
without the trappings of this faitful past self  it does not die gently
kafka said somewhere   merely being alive is blocking the way

of course not suggesting a killing  not that  but sort of  for it is obvious 
we more often than not  stick out our own leg to trip ourselves up 
not realizing the conformity to culture  nor the long arm of historied acceptability 
that has reached out to entrap us in their narrow hold

at this long awaited point in the journey I have trod  a pilgram  a wayfairer  a fool  a seeker
I find the courage   the hope   the will
I have long leaned into trusting 
spill over my head  run down my shoulders  soak through my thirsty skin suit
as I turn to say goodbye to the cloak of my ego’d ideals 

*adam phillips