One day | One way
One day it’s June. Past mid June and I realize. July will be here soon and then. Vacation. And whatever follows.
One day it’s thirty years since an event. And I realize I am such a different person. Today.
I lived here then but I have gone and returned. Again since. How odd that life takes us to certain spots. Previously I remember driving down this street. The street in my current address. Heading to park for basketball games. Something going on at the church up the street. One way and confusing. Now it’s the norm. I am comfortable and never would have imagined.
One day I’m alone and time seems wasted. Parts of life seem wasted. It appears so much lies ahead though. June reminds me. How much I wanted my own story.
One way. Back to one way and I just don’t know. We had to be wrong. If not, well, we’re all doomed. People are still going to that event. It continues and I recall that being where I felt moved to react. Become someone different and I did. I just didn’t think it would end up like it has ended up.