Nobody opened up a window
My first thought when I was
Able to collect myself; it was
January, maybe too cold for 
Such traditions, but it stuck 
That thought lodged inside
Unable to shake it even now
Seven long years gone past

There was no clock stopped
Nobody took it off of the wall
No mirrors to be found though
One small reprieve at any rate
We don’t sit up with our dead,
Not anymore, but I wish that
We had because it was you

We did stay with you, through
Every painful moment, from 
Your last breath until it was
Time for them to take you on
Washed and clean in a new
Night gown; peaceful at last

Letting you go was difficult
But it was also beautiful to 
See you finally free of pain
No longer trapped inside 
Your own mind as you had
Been for years by then; such
A bittersweeting ending to
Your chapter in life, but it
Isn’t the end for you and I,
Mammy, not at all, not a bit

We’ll be together again someday
In the sweet by and by as they say
I’ll be seeing you, in just a little while

I just wish we had opened the window
So I could know, in my own soul, that
Yours was a ble to go where it needed to
Beyond a shadow of a doubt