I am too lazy and cheap
     to plant the garden I want.
So…. I took a painting class
      and I will paint it.

There are many advantages to
     my potential, virtual garden.
No watering, weeding or wilting
      no deadheading.

I don’t have to wait for things 
      to grow, no surprises.
No freezing and dying when 
       The season is over.

Seasons will not matter    
      in my garden.

I can paint daffodils 
      with sunflowers, 
      lilies of the valley with mums
      crocus with marigolds.

My garden will bloom on the
        wall in the cold of winter.

But, I wouldn’t be able to pick it’s
         flowers for the table,
          feel their softness
          smell their fragrance.

It will not feed the bees.

And, no matter how much I learn,
          how long I practice.
I will never come close to replicating
          the beauty and grace
          of the simplest flower.