Forward: The form is borrowed from a Sonnet Crown I failed to finish (yet?) because sonnets became tedious and unenjoyable. Each line is the chronological end line to every other 2021 LexPoMo poem.

alone, in our final clash.
Goodbye’s were never easy for me.
of rooms unexhumed.
do not ascribe in the same ways to me.
will you let them sleep?
She texts yes quickly. 
instead of letting you in
the vivid atrocities I still remember
to smile
in the face of imminent discontinuation. 
like they are also listening
         liked them too
and the deathblow that is her tender warmth.
and not the most energizing reverie.
skull in cavity.
the next long dark—
so when does settle sneak up on you? 
in that order. 
in yourself
Then it ends—