Post-Wedding Brunch at the Red Dot Restaurant
At a buffet of bacon and eggs,
French toast and pancakes,
an abundance of good will
fills every table and spills
into the garden–
arms wrapped around shoulders
lingering goodbyes–
echoes of a Shakespearean
wedding scene.
9 thoughts on "Post-Wedding Brunch at the Red Dot Restaurant"
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a buffet of bacon!
a tender wedding scene
Love the photograph and:
an abundance of good will
fills every table and spills
into the garden–
I love the mixing of time periods here from the Red Dot Restaurant to a Shakespearean wedding scene. Well done!
The photo really
pictures the scene
the poem describes.
I can picture this so well: “arms wrapped around shoulders
lingering goodbyes–“
Your choices bring us in close. For such a short poem—there are so many points of entry—-thank you!
A beautiful portrait that goes deep.
Love the abundance without any reserves the LOVE that fuels the sweetness and nurtures body and soul. My heart feels happy to read this! Thank you.