Pen to paper:
a release of the soul.
Bits and pieces
of the parts of us
placed in the gentle care
of ink wells and parchment
since the dawning of humanity.
We were never meant to be contained
in the decaying carcass of the flesh.
He once said “I (we) contain multitudes”
and, therefore, we mustn’t imprison ourselves in glass bottles we place on
the back recess shelves of our being.
It is our duty to release ourselves wholly
not just the pristine and beautiful
but the damned and rotten parts
of who we are
for if we do not
we trap ourselves in a prison
made up of our own
flesh, bone, hurt and fear.
So, I beseech thee,
pick up a pen
find a place to write
again and again
until every multitude of who you are
is freed to be seen
and not trapped
in the destructive body.
We owe it to our souls
to release them into the unknown
even the messed up parts of our hearts
because every piece of you deserves release, it all makes up
who you were meant to be.

(Happy LexPoMo! Thank you all for an amazing month! It feels good to share words with a supportive and welcoming community of writers. I hope you all have a great rest of your year and I can’t wait to write next year with you all 🙂 )