In the middle of the night I piss beside them “” and think: I
shouldn’t be mourning you yet. “” I tell myself every day I’ll
throw them away. “” Then every morning I
get up and greet the decay like a friend ||

By Friday | I
can’t watch another living thing ||
Share suffocation in this house anymore. ||I buckle; I
wasn’t mad at the buds “” Lucky to be bought,
they no longer “” have to wait “” Tired ||
and on display, || at last no one would look at them
with scrutiny ||except for me “”
I pour out the week in the bathroom sink “” And hold
the bundle still to refill the pitcher ||I
can feel them rejoice and relax in my reach
|| With fragility and memoried paper thin skin. ||
They crunch against my will and I
“” like you, feel nothing at all. ||

No flower can survive in the dark “”
For 3 days I didn’t even look at this batch“”
Refused to cut the dead leaves || These are the prettiest ones and I || Wouldn’t give them the light or attention they need ||
|| Some women get flowers as a reminder
“” As soon as you leave, they forget why. ||