We awkwardly try to

get comfortable

on the bed.

The subtle dominance

of you

hovering over me,

me open to

whatever might happen,

ready to go with it,

shivering with possibility.


You kiss my neck,

a dead bedroom

coming back to life

after years.

Your lips

lovingly and passionately

explore me,

your hands

touching me everywhere,

my body hungry for all of it,

bliss coursing through my veins.


I feel loved,





I touch myself

then guide your hand

to touch me

as we kiss,

as you nibble my ear,

as you kiss my chest.


This is what I needed,

to wade in the shallow end

before we go deeper

another night.


Maybe this is all I need


the simple pleasure

of kisses and touches

and being with you,

the rediscovered sensuality

of gentle foreplay.


Your rekindled desire

is a gift

i look forward to opening

again and again.