My skin covered in goose flesh as if you are there with me, your own fingers grazing against my bare skin

The fine hairs electrified, standing up towards the sky as if they could pull away from my skin to long even more for your touch

How I long for you to lap away at me like Dionysus in his glutinous ecstasy

Drunk off the flora of my fauna

But your supplication ever so persistent and wanton, a desire you beg for

A steady eagerness, more you state through husky breath, a guttural growl from your loins

You appeal to the longing desires I have sought for centuries

For me to be your chosen one

My ruling power of Venus

Entraps your lust holding you tightly

Deeply now intertwined my power a steady force you can’t resist, but melt into an ecstasy

Letting go of these preconceived notions of what you only allowed yourself to want

Fully surrendering to me