Find myself simultaneously watching,
While “participating;”    
    In what, at times I’m unsure
Watch myself slowly creeping,     
    Or are they all in fast forward?

We stumble along,
Just the two of us it seems,    
    Swirling in our tumultuous world 
Carefully stepping,    
    Or carelessly hurled…

Constantly searching for safe spots,
Instead, I look up,
     Inspecting their place on top.
Digging my fingers into the earth,
    My offspring carried on my back,

Climbing through the elements.   (whispering thoughts; Must. Prove. My. Worth.)
Fueled by sheer grit,
   Sweat-soaked and dirty,
Clawing, pulling for hours it seemed
    Committed to our journey

Only to recognize…
Perhaps we are meant to stay,
   Here amongst the soil.
Too competitive to simply spectate, when looking up…
    So advert my eyes and recoil.

Too frozen by binds of this life to do otherwise.
At least when making a comparison. Hmm.
    You cannot be a spectator,
If you don’t look their way at all.
    They cannot be a “Decepter,”
If the peak you put them on dissolves.