When one fails to stop
at a redlight or stop sign,
it’s not okay.
No one was coming,
did I really need to stop,
I was late for work,
had to pick up the kids,
was meeting friends at a bar,
kids had soccer practice,
yes, there are many excuses
for stopional.
Does stop actually mean stop,
or have we transformed
stop into stoptional?
I had to go to the restroom,
no one was watching,
I had time to beat
the oncoming vehicle,
is it okay for stopional drivers
to risk hurting or killing
innocent people 
because self-importance
has spiraled them 
above the law.
When an indiviual
gets behind
the steering wheel,
why does one feel
that they have to be first,
or run faster
than the speed of sound?
I don’t like the 
“Stoptional World,”
stop means stop 
by any definition 
of the word.
It’s way past time
for stopional
to “STOP,”
it’s not okay!
Finally, I indict
myself as well,
I too have been guilty,
but the safety
and well-being 
of our community
are far more imporant
than arriving 
five minutes faster.