Brute force, southpaw, takes
no true woman by the hand,
nor will win the day,
for it is a truth well known
ladies need little such play.

Yo, I’ll let you know,
I see like a beagle, see?
You’re the best in town,
and ever since I seen you
it’s been great, absolutely.

What tricks and cold schemes
are these you present to me?
Have you not a wife?
Is she not your everything,
you are her only love, yes?

Do you want to go
skating on the ice in town?
it’s the best time yo—
oh, I won’t let you fall down!
Get a cheesesteak, lots of fun!

You deflect sir, stop.
See the lady Adrian—
her name parts the clouds!
For shame at your age, be tamed!
And what fools you make of maids!

I feel like a bum.
We’re in a fight, she’s tired
and told me to quit
mixing with boxers, training,
and take my shots here at home.

Is it a crime sir,
to hold duties of estate,
with beast, child, and wife?
She received those blows with you,
those you took. O sore battle!

Jesus! Oh god. Mick
said I was a tomato
past my prime and blind!
She was right too! She always
was so good to me, oh god!

Self pity, fighter,
release it like a fire!
She stands with you now,
believed in all things, chose hell
with you, and would die I fear!

Well. I suppose Jane,
if I don’t get up, take hits,
read her book of love,
youse say I’m big time stupid—
I don’t have to be this ways.

This gentle accord
sits smiling in my pen’s verse.
Rocky Balboa,
you’ve well slipped a monster jab—
now stand, moving forward—on!