This is the same body you touched

Not the same person

But the same nerves

The same veins

The same soul

And yet everything has changed

Seasons gone by

Weight gained and lost

Skin shed into dust

Hair grown, let go, then regrown

And yet, nothing has changed

Inside of me still lives the part of me you crushed

Still holds the part of me you left

Stays the part of me that died

My feet are the same feet that carried me to you

My hands are the same hands that held yours

My heart, the same heart that longed for you

I can no longer trust it when it comes to you

For it is what led me to you, my demise

It stayed yours for years after you broke it

Shards of glass forgotten in the pocket of your black winter coat

My heart, abandoned

My body holds onto what you did to me

That girl you left stays here


Almost like she’s waiting

For you to come back