I remember as a little girl staring up at the sky and the moon. I loved how it followed us as we were driving keep me safe.

As I got a little older I had more important things to do than notice where the moon was in the sky.

As an adult I still didnt give it much thought I was too busy and too tired to worry what the moon was up to.

Then it seemed I wasnt chasing whatever it was I was chasing in my 30’s and 40’s and the moon was just there still waiting for me to notice.

The first time I saw the moon through a telescope I cried. All the years I ignored  it but it was still there just waiting for me.

I have so many pictures of the moon, I have a moon globe so I can learn what the dark spots and craters are named that I can see. 

I know the names of the full moons like this last Strawberry Moon, I know how it got those names. I know the different phases and the illuminations.

I step out to see the moon as often as I can. I hope that others slow down to look at it too. 

Even if its blocked by clouds or trees I still know its there watching me and waiting for others to watch it too.