The Waldo Emerson Inn
Built in 1753,
Is a Colonial American charm,
A historical treasure one must see.
Summer visits brought Ralph Waldo Emerson
To his great-uncle’s Kennebunk home,
And during those visits,
The poetic seeds he must have sown.
It was here the noted writer composed,
To have known his thoughts and dreams,
The themes he may have written,
And what he may have seen.
This must have been his sanctuary,
For crafting the art of the written word,
And creating the most amazing compositions,
The world has read or heard.
Perhaps his finest poetry and essays
Were written in this 18th century Dutch gambrel,
And if the walls could talk,
There would be amazing stories to tell.
This poem is displayed at the Historic Waldo Emerson Inn, Kennebunk, Maine.