choice choice choice

left || right
good || bad || grey
storm cloud on horizon
make a choice
left || right
to the chase,
to hell,
to ten centuries from
now you’ve done it, 
screwed the pooch,
picked some arbitrary/imaginary
point to evaluate the effects of 
your decision
to drink sprite,
just this once.
you think carbonation is free? 
you think you get to live without guilt? 
you think sugar doesn’t rot your teeth and you think
you get to have a treat?
choose better next time. 
pick something that doesn’t kill you, 
that doesn’t kill plants in fifth grade science fair experiments, 
that you’re okay breathing,
like water:
breathe water
your breath should be water
in and out thick condesation
heavy in your lungs
how it should be
how it feels
to make the right choice