There was a garden in my dream
midnight stretched like a drum
a crow in profile sings his sable song
A door of the forest
opened the world
of possible universes
waiting for me
the stars: little threads
whispering their sweet and sorrow
a map of wanting
heavy as a continent
the blue vault above us
held up by the ribs of trees  

What I want to believe is that
across the great valley of grief
the space between us
is a muscle
of regret
a secret world of meadow & heart
music floating by in waves
you can almost touch  

The days are full like a tick
Feeling for truth swallows me whole
I wonder what it would be like
to tilt our faces like wide white moonflowers
if the air sang through our hair
like a wave of yellow memory
the seeds sprout as you sleep
pulling out the stitches  

~ A cento of lines/phrases from LEXPOMO poets in the following order: Gregory Friedman, Taunja, Taunja, Jim Lally, Gwyneth Stewart, Laura Foley, Laura Foley, Shaun Turner, Sylvia Ahrens, Shaun Turner, Linda Bryant, Gwyneth Stewart, Gwyneth Stewart, Nancy Jentsch, Ellen Austin-Li, Shaun Turner, Sylvia Ahrens, Jim Lally, Coleman Davis, Taunja, Leah Tenney, Linda Bryant, Carrie Carlson, Manny Grimaldi, Megan Wethington, Sophie Watson, Roberta Schultz, Liz Prather, Gwyneth Stewart, Kevin Nance