The cold steel whispers, a promise grim and tight,

A hollow promise, wrapped in polished light.
In markets bustling, schools where laughter rings,
A sudden silence, the echo of death’s wings.
Innocence shattered, on a playground’s painted floor,
Dreams extinguished, forever locked behind a door.
Mothers rage, fathers weep, a love they can’t reclaim, 
A gaping hole, etched deep, a wound without a name. 
The news portrays a scene, a blur of blood and tears, 
Statistics rising, fueling mounting fears.
Politicians bicker, while bodies slowly cool,
Empty platitudes, a hollow, useless tool. 
But through the sorrow, a flicker of defiance burns, 
A chorus yearning, for change the spirit burns. 
Marches gather, voices strong and clear,
Demanding action, to quell this chilling fear.
For every life extinguished, a thousand more will rise,
With hearts ablaze with purpose, reflected in their eyes. 
They’ll break the silence, shatter apathy’s hold,
Until a world transformed, a story yet untold.