Easter bells chime, a tradition’s gentle hum, 

A day of faith, for some it has come. 
But calenders shift, dates don’t always align, 
Trans Day of Visibility, a chance for truths to shine. 
Headlines flare, a manufactured fight, 
“War on Easter!” some pundits ignite. 
But can’t we celebrate rebirth in all it’s forms? 
New beginnings, breaking free from life’s storms. 
Transgender people, existing every day, 
Seeking acceptance, a chance to have their say. 
Not a threat, not a trend, just a call to be seen, 
Equal threads woven in the human tapestry. 
So let the church bells peal, let the baskets overflow, 
And raise a trans flag high, let understanding grow. 
There’s room for all the stories, the joys and the fears, 
Respect and kindness, drying all the tears. 
This day of visibility, not meant to erase, 
Just a chance to acknowledge, a different kind of grace. 
Trans lives vibrant, a spectrum to behold, 
A beautiful mosaic, waiting to unfold.