Sometimes you’ve just gotta try
to drop off some of the pain
and keep on going.
Kick that shit to the curb.
Drive off into the sunset
let your phone blow up
with calls and texts saying
How could you leave me and
Go fuck yourself.
Block the number
with a smile.
Carrying around that pain
riding alongside it
ain’t gettin you where you want to be
if you allow it to keep rerouting
your course.
The pain will be there waiting
should you return. There will be more
passengers along the way
keep your eye out
make room for beauty
to roll with you.
The beautiful will be painful too
it will remind you
of the beauty and pain you’ve left
to get to this point.
There are only so many seats
in your vehicle.
Sometimes it’s just gotta be you
the road
the beauty and pain out the speakers
and that which you pass along the way.