Random Tuesday
partially sunny
62 degrees
no particular plans,

but I wear the red dress,

the red dress that reveals
the red dress that doesn’t apologize
the red dress that magics my gray eyes to blue.

I wear the red dress shopping;
I buy avocados
and guess a stranger’s zodiac sign.

I wear the red dress hiking;
I wander the woods
and find a rock shaped like Kentucky.

I wear the red dress to a biker bar;
I order their best bourbon,
and kiss a much younger man
whose name I do not ask.

When I come home,
I don’t dare take it off.

I wear the red dress
as I make guacamole.

I wear the red dress
as I call my best friend.

I wear the red dress
as I dance alone, barefoot,
to “Just Like Heaven”
by The Cure.

Later, I wear the red dress
out into the night
to howl at the moon
and frighten my neighbors.

I only slip it off
and onto the hanger
so it will not wrinkle
as I sleep.

Again, tomorrow, I will
wear the red dress.