The days run together with a frantic speed
The summer is speeding by on fast forward
I need to start working on lesson plans for the fall,
but didn’t summer just start?

When did the days start passing by at the speed of light?
I think it was when I turned 50,
or was it 40, it really doesn’t matter
because time got stuck in fast forward somewhere in the past few years

There is still joy and pain and all the other emotions
all blended together
In one big blur of a memory that is a year
or ten years, a chunk of time

I am happy, so that is good
I struggle with some hard aspects of life
but I love my husband and kids
and enjoy the time I have with them

Is this how old age happens?
Time flies by so fast, that you 
hardly recognize the days, weeks, months, years
as they go by quickly, in a blur?

All I can say is, bring it on!
I love life, and I love the lazy days of summer
which seem to be going by too fast
or is that life that is whirring by?