Do you ever wonder how our fears originate? Mine of anything large & dusky (birds, butterflies, dragonflies, moths) hovering in near air, or when sizeable spiders, millipedes skitter inside my home. And why bees, wasps, beetles, mice, lizards, snakes don’t scare me, but large mayflies with their droopy thread-legs do? They don’t bite or sting, have no mouth once they emerge from water after a year as larvae, live only five minutes (female) to a day or two (male). Lady bugs don’t panic me, or pill bugs even in high volumes, as the summer they invaded my bedroom. I’d find desiccated husks under nightstand, dresser, chest of drawers when I vacuumed. As children, we called them roly-polies. Armadillidium vulgareisopods, soil-dwelling crustaceans. Nifty, to have an exoskeleton of chitin. How wise—when disturbed, to protect your inner organs, you curl up like a tight fist, outwait the danger.