Chorus : 

So hard to stop
all the thoughts 
you’re not good enough
No you’re good enough 
for me
Been thinkin too much 
if you could just 
see what 
I see 
you could get the love 
you really need

So hard to stop
all the thoughts 
i’m not good enough 
Am I good enough 
for you ?
Been thinkin too much 
if I could just 
see what
you see 
I could get the love 
I really need 

Verse :

It’s easier
to love 
one else 
than it is 
to love 
Your help 
can only 
go so far 
It’s gotta 
come from within 
at the end 
of the day 
we just been 
in our way
We’re our own 
worst en
but don’t break
Growth ain’t lin
It’s okay 
Take your time 
i’ll take mine 
Take my eyes 
if you’re blind 
to the beauty 
that I see 
when you
with me 

Bridge :

You are 
Give yourself
the love 
you give 
you touch 


Chorus :

So hard to stop
All the thoughts 
You’re not good enough
No you’re good enough 
For me
Been thinkin too much 
If you could just 
See what 
I see 
You could get the love 
you really need

So hard to stop
All the thoughts 
I’m not good enough 
Am I good enough 
For you ?
Been thinkin too much 
If I could just 
See what
you see 
I could get the love 
I really need