Sometimes we hold on to things longer than we need to.

We let them take up space that could be used for something
different and serve us better.

These things are not always physical objects they are emotional baggage we have carried around for years.

We tend to put a price on things whether monetary or emaotionally because we have invested time or money into these things thiking they are worth more and thats not always the case.

I tend to have emotional clutter more so than physical, though I have enough of that too. I am also more willing to find a new home or donate the physical stuff and hold on to the emotional.

How does one get rid of that selfdoubt, inadequacy or whatever else we are carrying around that needs let go?

A  physical object is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. We tend to let those physical things go up in value as we let our personal value go down because of what others make us believe we are worth.