when i have the energy 

i’m gonna back up 

all those files 

and get back 

to you 


when i have the energy 

i’ll make time 

for what really matters

i’ll take care 

of the dishes 

as they sprout from the sink 

like weeds in greener pastures

when i have the energy 

i’ll let you know 

why i don’t have 

the energy 



i’ll make sure 

you know 

how i feel 

when i have the energy 

i’ll make those appointments

i’ve been talking about 

for years 


go see a doctor 

so i don’t let the internet 

diagnose me 

with less energy 


(so they can tell me 

my stomach hurts 

all the time 

from the spicy food)

when i have the energy 

i’ll go back to queens 

and hit up that halal truck 

that doesn’t open till 5

when i have the energy

i’ll finally write my first collection
of poems
screenplay and stand-up routine 


i’ll find a better job 

than serving ungrateful 

fucks complimentary champagne 

while they complain about their steak and eggs

on an absence of sleep


when I have the energy 

i’ll finally get into a routine 

so I can stay consistent 

with the world


into something
it didn’t want

to be 


when i have the energy 

i’ll smile at a stranger 

on the train 

when they pass 

instead of looking down

at my white button

-down stained 

to shit 

while i slip 

into some (un)kind of american dream


when i have the energy 

i’ll pull your ashes 

out the closet 

and scatter you a


the burn

-out stars