Bloviator baffled
Gish Galloped
Codswallop conned  

America, America
What has become of thee
Are you too busy watching tiktok to see  

Who among you will say
I never saw it coming  

When immigrants are marched into camps
(concentrated as it were)  

When women are handmaidens (Atwood warned you)  

When Christianity is the law of the land (Octavia tried to tell us)  

Will you blindly recite Martin Niemoller’s poem
In your meaningless, performative allyship  

Or will you get honest and say, like Rhett Butler
Frankly, my dear I don’t give a damn
Because underneath you don’t 
because it won’t affect you  

When I lose my rights as a woman, a Jew, a lesbian
Will you tsk, tsk, and say golly, I am so shocked
Because it won’t affect you  

When it is your turn to stand up Will you?