So much to do! 

1. Make coffee.  Eek! Another mouse in a mouse trap.  Better take care of that.
2.  I need to make changes to the presentation. ARMS (add, remove, move, substitute)
3. Oil Change – 1 PM. I wonder if the brakes will have to be done.  They keep bringing that up at every oil change.  Money in.  Money out. 
4. LexPoMo Poem (I forgot yesterday!  That’s two days I missed.  I could have written about data collection after yesterday’s review of test scores from last year, but I didn’t.  Too late now.   

Stop.  Your enneagram  1 perfectionistic self is showing.  Nobody will burn you at the stake for missing a day!  Take your coffee out to the porch and write.  

But I need to check my email and my texts and the day’s headlines and Facebook and….


These shrubs really need pruning. That red oak Is getting so tall. 
The bur beside it barely survived that last storm, and it was a lot smaller.   
I need to get someone to prune all the trees….

The twittering birds mimick the cacophany of the endless words flitting through my mind.   They are so noisy!  How can anyone think with all this racket!


Close your eyes. 

“Listen to us, the birds seem say over and over. 
God is here. 
Cast aside your worldly cares.
Take a moment and praise the One who made us instead.  
       Be silent.
                      Be calm.
                                     Empty your mind.
Let us show you how.”

Feel the breeze playing with your hair as I see your beauty from the eyes of the birds who find food on the grass I grew in front of you, Food I have provided them so they don’t have to worry. Let their songs of joy become your songs of joy, my child.
Trust the story and spend some time with me.
Enjoy this perfect moment I made for us to share together. 
Yada me.

There is a lot to do, but right now, I want to  join the birds and sing God’s praises.