Registration photo of Shaun Turner for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Shaun Turner | LexPoMo 2023

To be a part of the community! I look forward to LexPoMo every year.

Registration photo of Sophie Watson for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Sophie Watson | LexPoMo 2023

I completed Lexpomo last year and already write a poem a day.

Registration photo of Tania Horne for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Tania Horne | LexPoMo 2023

I like the challenge of seeing how much I can pull from the ether each June, and I love the community, and reading all of the entries. I feel blessed by this opportunity.

Cadence Perman | LexPoMo 2023

I haven’t written in quite a while and hope this might inspire me.

Saikrish Kolli | LexPoMo 2023

Because its been quite a while since I wrote a poem and I just wanted o try to get back into it.

Registration photo of Lisa M. Miller for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Lisa M. Miller | LexPoMo 2023

I love poetry, community, writing and reading poetry in community.

Registration photo of Alvera Lisabeth for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Alvera Lisabeth | LexPoMo 2023

Summer has arrived and I am ready for a creative outlet within a creative community!