Ladd Dingley | LexPoMo 2022

A fun way to be involved with the Lexington community while simultaneously pressuring myself to write something small every day.

K. Ka`imilani | LexPoMo 2022

I like to be challenged. And though I am signing up late, I hope to put in the work and try to put in some writing time this summer.

HB Elam | LexPoMo 2022

To hear the clickety clacks of my keyboard as I type my silly little words.

Hunter Nelson | LexPoMo 2022

I’ve really slacked on writing in the past few years. Could pin it on all sorts of reasoning, but since reigniting teen howl, the poetry group that made me passionate for the art, I feel a need to throw myself back into it. I look forward to fitting poetry back into my life, no matter how hectic I may see it to be.

Janelle M. | LexPoMo 2022

To support my brother and exercise written expression.

teja | LexPoMo 2022

accountability & community!

Shanna Bowen | LexPoMo 2022

To encourage myself to reconnect with my love of creative writing.

Elaine | LexPoMo 2022

I did this last year and enjoyed it!