Ellen Austin-Li | LexPoMo 2022

I started a 100-day creativity project on April 1st and would like the last 30 days to be new poetry (as the first 30 days will be). I know several poets who do LexPoMo every year and have spoken highly of this group. While I was too busy the past 2 years with school work, this year I am ready! I’m excited for the challenge—and to be forced to “dig deeper” in my work.

Violet | LexPoMo 2022

To keep me writing in a community I love to be a part of

Karen George | LexPoMo 2022

Because I’ve been writing a poem-a-day in June with other LEXPOMO poets since the beginning. I learn from, and am inspired by, reading the work of other poets. Having a daily deadline is a good thing for me. I work well under pressure.

Lori Taylor | LexPoMo 2022

It’s fun and a great way to exercise the brain!

Annie Griggs | LexPoMo 2022

I love challenging myself to write more poetry!

Bronson O'Quinn

Bronson O'Quinn | LexPoMo 2022

10 years ago this started and it’s still going. Why not?

Nancy Jentsch | LexPoMo 2022

I look forward to the community, the challenge and the poetry.

Marta Dorton | LexPoMo 2022

I signed up to write, share, and read in community; to support creative work of others; to write new poems I may not have otherwise written.