Posts for June 19, 2016 (page 2)


For Owen

For Owen, I smile 
Laughter, playing, living 
Alive with love, my son

Monochrome photo of my Son Owen James


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Scene 1: Verona, a public place
Rapscallion5 has sent you a message.
Your guild has started a boss battle with Darth Maul.  
I will bite my thumb at them; which is a disgrace to them, if they bear it.
What pages were we supposed to read tonight?
Thnx. Quiz tmrw?
I do bite my thumb, sir.
85˚ and sunny. 15 mins travel time to work.
Shutterfly: Free gift offer expires soon!
Is the law of our side, if I say ay?
T-Mobile: Your bill of $176.01 is coming due.
Dancegrrl has sent you a message.
How many research notes tnite?
No, sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir.
1 Update available: Google Play Newstand.
@neilhimself @BBCRadio4 Might we learn How the Marquis Got His Coat Back?
If you do, sir, I am for you: I serve as good a man as you.
The birds are angry. The fruit is unsliced.
Well, sir.
Forge the mission strike of empire!
Do you wish to Power Off or Restart?
Yes, better, sir.


Essence of Reality

I have seen impossible healings
Typecast stories of reconnects
‘Cross boundaries of impossible scales
Into twilight imperfections perfected
Destiny’s resurrection

Upon this quest I embark
Simply to see what’s between the stars
If lines can be bent to Icarus’ success
Or if time has spoken its decree
Either way, my love is infinite

When we try to change for ourselves
Things that are designed by God
We may end up with something unrecognizable
But the essence of reality remains
You cannot destroy what God ordains.


New holland

-‘Hwuhmp’- wuhhrrrrrrrr-chucheuh-chucheuh-wuhhhrrrrrrr-chucheuh-chucheuh-
As the bails of alfalfa
Come forth  – chucheuh –  
Half a foot by half a leg – they jolt
On the steel ramp-as thin as a cardboard box-
With a razors edge 
Swinging and jittering
With every turn and dimple the tires leave behind

We surf on the wagon -behind the bailer-
Behind the ten year old dust covered green John Deer tractor
Like fisherman in their canoe
We ride along the currents of hay through a manicured field
– fall like sliding furniture
Onto the wagon-or into our grasp-sometimes right back on the ground
We’ve gotta keep hearing that sound
So we can be done with this field
We’ve gotta stay focused
Move quick
With fortitude and grace 
Gently ‘SLAM’ push and ‘THUD’ the bails in their place
On this wagon-our Kentucky cargo ship-
We’ve gotta keep hearing that sound
Til the field is cleared of its fingerprint ridges
I don’t know about the other guy, but
I’m gonna keep hearing that sound in my sleep