Posts for June 17, 2017 (page 5)


Insert Name Here

For all my evangelical friends who are
long on fervor but short on discernment
I’ve prepared a quick and easy guide
for sizing up each candidate.

Find a modern-language version
of  First Corinthians chapter 13
and insert the name of the person
in place of the word “love”.

Like this:
____is patient
____is kind
____does not envy
____does not boast
____is not proud
____is not rude
____is not self-seeking
____keeps no record of wrongs
____does not KNXXHHHH!!!

(sorry, that was me spraying beer out my nose.
I can’t do this any more.)



is it so easy
to love, without thought
to possession, to jealousy, with
forgiveness and understanding

but so difficult
to offer any of it

to yourself?



everything is on the one
and bodies combobulate
into a lay-down-disco…

i see: your wine-cellar
needs repair, it’s languished
for far too long; but

im sommelier for the sun
and know a throng when
i see one; surrender

to this throbbing. we’ve
seen this all before, adored it,
done ignored it, but seldom

been this. but listen:
why praise the afterglow
of glitter if we never choose

to glisten? afterall, we both
know how well our blues align.
so if we fail to break into

the beauty between us, then
all this big bang is for naught;
a wasteful use of constellations,

but quenching taught us better,
the reprieval in our bodies’ folding.
and if love says “retrieve”, we must.



I can’t sleep.

Searching continues for 
     llama crafts for kids
     space on my To Do List
     manners to de-stress
     quality downtime
     a way to shut down my tabs
     or at least put tabs on sleep mode.

Closing my eyes won’t hurt.

Mouse and keyboard crash.

Eyes open wide,
body jolts like a live wire,
heart pounds at the sudden sound.

The need to lay down has come
but tabs are still open.

I can’t sleep.


The Dizzy Tragic of Morning Light

The dizzy tragic of morning light
through stained glass windows
in the westwork that spans
the distance between towers;
a cathedral that (I am positive)
appeared in my 6th grade
Social Studies book.

Dear Holy nave of spine,
Fertility of imagination,
Deliver the architecture
set for me in bone and spires,
brain and heart.

When you suffer early art,
you pray for more.