On nights like these
I cherish dirty dishes
Caked with grease and mold
The kind I can really grind a sponge into
Watch it dissolve under my scalded hand
A job well done
I’m lax with the crumbs though
They scurry between the cabinets, under the oven
Specks of spice sheltered just out of sight
Saved for another day’s frustration
I celebrated another year of work
Coralling a poor bird
That had taken up residence in a desk plant
He looked flustered and resigned
With an expression that screamed,
“Don’t project your shit on me human”
I appreciated his candor and set him free
With enough time to make the meeting no less
Turns out that promotion might be pushed back a little
But once that baby hits, whoo!
Sounds like a solid paycheck to me
I spent a third of one
On the best headphones I could justify
With a flick of a switch I can remove myself
From a screaming cat outside the bedroom door
An incosiderate neighbor doing doughnuts around others’ lives
Hollow words from well-meaning friends
Sometimes gentle words from you
but hey
We’ve still got enough
For groceries and rent
“I don’t think I can be enough for you”
I’m not even close to being enough for myself
So what chance does anyone else have?