Posts for June 6, 2018 (page 4)



Beloved, who does not love me,
if I couldn’t see you across a room
I’d search you out through a window pane,
or dream of our first meeting if walls or miles
cheat my eyes.

Your breathing intimidated, as she yawns.
Before the ice of your contemplation
my humbled genius trembles.
The outline of your long browned northern body
stretches like a cat. I seek my perfect other.

That gaze inhuman,
not living

yet virginal.


Mind Strain/Migraine

     I won’t find a poem today
     My mind’s in racing mode
     Flitting here and going there
     Transporting such a load

     I wish I could make it stop
     Just pick a course and stay
     Instead of going everywhere
     Taking trips so far away

     It will soon come to an end
     My mind race ‘here and yon’
     I can tell that this is so
     Cause a headaches coming on

     I can soldier through the pain
     Yeah – I can gut that curse
     An’ I’ll make sure when all is done
     I can write some verse.


Wrong House

The large crow stood
on the fence, alone,
as if waiting for me
when I returned home.
Around us the angled light
of a descending sun streaked
the houses and trees,
but the crow’s black cloak 
and eyes sucked light in
and didn’t let it out.

We stared at each other.
Did his presence here have import?
Crows are a symbol of wisdom
but also an omen of death.
I decided not to chance it.
You have the wrong house, I shouted.
He splayed out his onyx wings
and took heavy flight.
He may have signaled fate
or just found a place to light.



The braking screams,

18 in count.

Spinning round and round as lights go by.

I brace for impact from tangible ghosts 


Time passes on—


No crunch,

No burn,

No entrapment.


I sense invisible stares. 

From each surrounding seat, as they stand empty.

Survivor, they called it.

I remember each seat was overflowing with life,

                                                                   now just the memories.


Sitting With Merwin’s “Utterance”

you say you hear it—
everything that has
even been

said  spinning
one syllable 
to echo

a name I long
to speak here between
earth and silence


Is it over?

As the crowd is leaving
liquid inertia and gravity dance
As quarter full beer cans roll
Down the artificial grass

The hippie chick posers
have dropped their patchouli incense
To support their drunken boyfriends
Stumbling towards Dad’s Mercedes Benz

A scene to be seen

Is it possible to pretend to be part of something 
That, in retrospect, has really never been?

As a child
I was led to believe you were going to change the world
And you did
It’s just nothing like what you said it would be

Ken and Tim and Jack and Jerry
Are rolling in their graves



A little ghost walks beside me
every second of every day.
We’ve never met,
he doesn’t know my name,
but I’m his home,
and he is mine. 


dear line cook

dear line cook

if what you make can be only as
great as your love, then love greater.
in fact, grate your love over this pasta,
dear, and some pepper, too,
as you are up.

and when i swallow your will
shall be my tongue in your cheeks. 
and when i burp you will  have
loved me thoroughly.


Our Last Trip to Victoria’s Secret

i had a coupon for free panties.
you had big boobs.
they jostled together constantly.
i half expected a third boob
to be born between them
any day now.

you led me to the changing rooms
and asked a beautiful young sales person
(who also had big boobs)
to fit me for a bra.
i said i knew my size
and i also knew that,
unlike some people,
my cup
did not
runneth over.

you laughed,
and so did the sales girl.

i guess it is easy to laugh
when you 
actually look good
in these glorified doilies.

i said, “i’m leaving.
Walmart is good enough
for me.”
you stopped laughing.
you looked slightly ashamed.

you tried to hug me
but your hands


Five White Pills

One for mood stabilization
      (save the drastic ups and downs)
One for mood elevation
      (no more segmented sleep/thirty more pounds)
One to ease the jitters
One to crack my back
One to prevent ovarian cysts and male-pattern baldness