A dozen more for the endless dunes of blood and sand
as if there was a shortage of salt water in this country
as if we needed another reason to hide in underground
bunkers it is not enough to say I am tired of my news feed
running red it is not enough to cross my legs and close
my eyes and think of calm and pleasant tides classes
without tourniquets work days without gunshots
we have turned a blind eye until there is nowhere left to turn
and if my three-year-old son hits the dog
over her head with a whiffle-ball bat and
then does it again and again and again
at some point I’m to blame for her pain
for not taking the bat away until he knows
how to use it or better yet throwing it into
the oven and handing him a bouquet of
Kentucky wisteria to hold against his chest
as the plastic melts under the broiler
America when I think of our colors red and white and blue
I no longer think of a flag rippling in a stiff wind instead
I see a wall of squad cars around a cold public building
an office park an elementary school a softball field
a movie theater a main thoroughfare in Vegas another
school another school a night club the streets of Paris
another school all the time barking thoughts and prayers
all the time screaming for hope and change with passion
and fury signifying nothing a fortnight of debate
until the next chance to weep calls for lit candles and
lotus positions falling on ears deafened at a firing range