Posts for June 2, 2019 (page 11)


Sun Revelation

Here you are, sun revelation.
There you are, skin guilt.

I stretch my legs, all
capillaries, mosquito bites, bumps, and fuzz
and want to hide them – no gold glow
or window warmth for their imperfection.

To love myself is to change the accent
on a language I already speak,
to let my body soak up 
the unjudging sunlight.

Here you are, chipped toenail polish.
There you are, carefree weather.


Welcome Home, Your Highness

she sits quietly, nothing yet to say
beige dress, smoothed edges
cold and metallic, warmed
by my fingertips

her features pale and harsh
when she speaks it’s only for you
she has no thoughts of her own
or maybe Asimov knew

she glides across
clickity clack clickity clack clack clack
the soundtrack of her indelible path
the music of my thoughts

intuition brought her to me
my new, old Royal
two bucks


annie rose

annie rose

her spirit
is that of a woman who knows she’s closer to death than her younger self

she paints with life giving corals and wild abandon yellows
all muddied on the canvas with red flower tiles

she’s fighting and letting go all at once
wearing all of her favorite things together even that gaudy ring no one else wanted

do you see the sparkle in her eyes
do you see the chemo killing all the cancer
and her bones carrying her frame more upright

she moves me
this woman
she moves the earth
and draws us all magnetic to her side


One Breath

She inhaled
and the world stopped spinning.

She exhaled
and sent the cosmos into chaos. 


Young Rabbit

                                    Young Rabbit

I see the half-grown rabbit
when I mow.
It darts in and out
of the Iris no longer in bloom,
gone the colors, purple or white.
The race has been a game
until recently.

Last night, I look out and see
it, content in my late garden, tame
beneath the neighbor’s streetlight,
feasting. Young plants meet their doom.
It does no good for me to shout
from the open kitchen window.
Tomorrow, I will replant, for that rabbit

to enjoy, no longer cute like it was, darting through Iris.


Coffee in its Place

What delight greets me

Over early cups of coffee
Strong drinks cannot produce the
Grounding you conjure up
Coffee takes its lowly place as ancient words build onto a house
Words of beauty and pain
Axe to wood, hammer to nail
I am the house, you my foreman
Houses don’t have capacity for establishing themselves
Wages of labor lose themselves over
A builder working for free


For Granted

For Granted

Caught up in self importance
I fail to see the billion suns in the midnight sky
in my narrow field of concern and sorrow
I fail to feel the warmth of the breeze on my skin
who is this robber of vision and sensation
where are the flames of wisdom and gratitude
to melt the cell bars


fix this

there’s a bitch in heat up the road
and i can’t keep my damned hound dog
at the damned house.
it ain’t a metaphor.
it’s a pitiful pain in the ass.
she’s whimpering and bleeding
and begging for the most primal contact
and i’m slipping through the slick weeds
to steal away her suitor.
before daybreak.
by force.
the chain link between them
don’t keep him from the scent of her

and i swear he’d break his neck
for a chance to get all tangled up again.


Just Add It to the Map and Pray I Guess What Else Can We Do Nothing to See Here Just Keep On Keepin On

A dozen more for the endless dunes of blood and sand

as if there was a shortage of salt water in this country


as if we needed another reason to hide in underground

bunkers     it is not enough to say I am tired of my news feed


running red     it is not enough to cross my legs and close

my eyes and think of calm and pleasant tides     classes


without tourniquets     work days without gunshots

we have turned a blind eye until there is nowhere left to turn


and if my three-year-old son hits the dog

over her head with a whiffle-ball bat     and

then does it again     and again     and again


at some point I’m to blame for her pain

for not taking the bat away until he knows

how to use it     or better yet throwing it into


the oven and handing him a bouquet of

Kentucky wisteria to hold against his chest

as the plastic melts under the broiler


America when I think of our colors     red and white and blue


I no longer think of a flag rippling in a stiff wind     instead

I see a wall of squad cars around a cold public building


an office park     an elementary school     a softball field

a movie theater     a main thoroughfare in Vegas     another


school     another school     a night club     the streets of Paris

another school     all the time barking thoughts and prayers


all the time screaming for hope and change with passion

and fury     signifying nothing     a fortnight of debate


until the next chance to weep     calls for lit candles and

lotus positions falling on ears deafened at a firing range


love poem

you say you could never love anyone
                            you couldn’t
                                                     kill with your bare hands.
that you can’t help but love
                                                     a good love poem,

but when you say love I think
                                             you actually mean sex. you say

they’re the same thing, they’re the same thing
                          as if to speak it twice
will somehow make it true. listen: I know the difference

between my uncertain heart                         and this body

                                               which always knows 
                                                               exactly what it wants.